Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Heroes Volume 4 started a few weeks ago, and .... WOW!!

As I was watching the first episode I was thinking "Wow! They've done it! They've brought back the magic that got me so addicted back in Volume 1!" And they have! In my opinion (and in a lot of other people's opinions, apparently) Vols 2 and 3 sort of strayed off the mark a bit - getting too complicated and involved and introducing too many characters.

Volume 4 takes it straight back to the style of Volume 1 - great characters and a darn good story that leaves you constantly guessing and wanting more. But they haven't just brought Heroes back to its roots - they've surpassed themselves, taking the benchmark much, much further. When I watched the first episode of Vol 4 I was constantly thinking "This is incredible!! It's SO good!"

When I watched episode 2 I was expecting the same - but it was even better!! I watched episode 3 a few hours ago, and WOW - they've done it again. Every episode is even better than the last. I can't wait to see the rest of the season! It's a pity it's only 12 episodes long ...

I been this completely blown away by a show since I saw Transformers back in 2007. That was the definition of amazing, and it looks like Transformers 2 is going to be every bit as good :)

Speaking of which, the second trailer for it is out now!

Uni starts in just under 2 weeks. I'm still sorting out my enrolment =/

I'm taking 6 papers this year. 4 this semester and 2 next semester. More on that later, probably.


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