Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dear Diary

It's getting late (for semester time) and I'm bored. Hardly anyone's online and, it being a Friday night, I'm guessing most people are out. I really can't be bothered tonight - I'm really tired and I'm going to go to bed soon. But I'm still really bored.

My cat's just laboriously climbed onto me. My laptop's on my lap, and he's jealous, so he's trying to get between us so that I give all the attention to him. Now he's rumbling away, perfectly content.

More Hoyts training tomorrow! This is training for La Prem. Coffee training tomorrow morning (which will probably be my fourth coffee training since starting at Berkeley), and some more kitchen training tomorrow afternoon.

I'm really looking foward to starting at Hoyts. Good job, better pay than Berkeley, some good friends, with (if Berkeley is anything to go by) the promise of many, many more wacky friendships to come.

New people to meet. Cool!

Hoyts is awesome. It opens on the 29th of this month - the same day I sit my full license test. Here's hoping I pass! Gotta practice identifying hazards and indicating for no less than 3 seconds before changing position in the road.

My mum came in to say something. My cat started replying and now he's got off to follow her. It's good - he was hotter than a hot water bottle.

Uni. Loving it again. Lectures are boring though. I hate lectures. Back in intermediate I was told I learn by reading and by doing - not by listening. Uni is constantly proving this.

I'm bored.

Of 116 people on my msn (not counting myself or Spleak), only 13 are online.

I think I'm going to go have something else to eat. It's getting to that time of night.


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