Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, December 08, 2007


I'm supposed to be at work right now. Or, failing that, I'm supposed to be at a barbecue at Julia's. But instead I'm at home, in bed, sick. Yesterday afternoon I woke up and realised I was coming down with what my sister had earlier in the week - sore head, sore throat, weak muscles, stuffed nose, and semi-fever.

Then while I was at work last night it came on. By the end of the shift (2.15am) I was completely out of it. Thinking back, I hate to think about the quality of my close last night. So I wrote myself down as sick today, and here I am in bed, having been here for most of the day, feeling like my head needs to explode.

For those of you who have hung out with me over the last week, I'm sorry. You'll probably get it too. Thankfully it only lasts a few days.

So I've seen quite a few movies recently. There are quite a few movies coming out over the next while, so we've had quite a few screen-tests recently, and I've been lucky enough to be able to go to some of them.

Going a few weeks back was Deathproof. That movie is WEIRD. It appears that Quentin Tarantino didn't feel the need for a plot in this movie, instead deciding to show, in detail, one sick freak's two attempts to get thrills by killing girls by driving into them with his car. That's all the movie is.

Last Sunday was Enchanted. It has some very funny moments, but most of them are in the trailer. I'd probably have loved it as a kid, but the main difference between this movie and other Disney animated movies is that this movie is a chick-flick. That and the humour of course. It's worth checking out, especially if you can see movies for free, but don't let your expectations get too high.

Then the following night was Hitman. I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time now, and it was almost everything I expected it to be. The only way it fell short of my expectations was that is wasn't as action packed as I expected. However it was still a good movie, and Thomas Gabriel (who plays the Hitman) is very good at bringing life to a character that apparently has absolutely no emotion or expression whatsoever. I think most actors in that role would have done Terminator impersonations, however Gabriel succeeded in making Hitman appear fully human while completely lacking in emotion. He's now on my list of actors-who's-movies-I-see-just-because-they're-in-them.

The night after that was Into The Wild. This movie is in the top 5 list of worst movies I have ever seen. It was two and a half hours of utter boredom. The main character is a retard, the lessons he learns are worse than the ones the characters in Crash learn, and the plot is completely uninteresting. Add to that the full-scale male nudity that occurs completely unexpectedly about halfway through, and you have a movie to make a point of not seeing. Even if you see it for free, it isn't worth the two and a half hours of your life that it takes up.

In other news, if you haven't seen it yet, the new trailer for Cloverfield is out!

(If you can't read what's written on the top of this photo, you need to click on the picture to get the full sized version):


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