Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Brain Teaser

For those of you who need a break from study (or those of you who don't have exams), here's a little something different:

Five people live in a row of five houses; each house has a different coloured front door, each person drives a different make of car, listens to a different kind of music, and owns a different kind of pet:

- Mary lives in the house with the Red front door
- Susan keeps Dogs as pets
- Ryan listens to Rap
- The house with the Green front door is immediately to the left of the house with the White front door
- The owner of the house with the Green front door listens to Classical music
- The driver of the Toyota keeps Budgies
- The owner of the house with the Yellow front door drives a Ford
- The person living in the Center house listens to Jazz
- Bob lives in the First house (the one on the very left)
- The person who drives the Honda lives next to the person who owns Cats
- The person who keeps Guinea Pigs lives next to the driver of the Ford
- The person who drives a Mazda also listens to House music
- Peter drives a Nissan
- Bob lives next to the house with the Blue front door
- The driver of the Honda lives next to the person who listens to Rock.

- Who keeps the Goldfish?


Blogger Celata said...

The owner of the goldfish is the one ... if you add up all the letters in the four words... comes to 28 letters? :D

9:15 pm  

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