Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, September 28, 2007

One Day To Go

I was looking over an old Dynamics exam paper yesterday. They give you about 3 pages of formulas you might need. I recognised a total of probably 1 page worth of formulas. I really need to start studying for exams! Fortunately I started yesterday :) unfortunately I didn't get much done.

I'm sitting here at the moment trawling through my music trying to come up with a playlist for the ****** I'm going to tomorrow night :) Today I'm trying to come up with a shortlist of tracks, and tomorrow I'll go through and get them into some kind of order.

Work soon. Dunno where I'm working. I sure hope it's not candy bar. I hate candy bar! It's so claustrophobic - it's like you're pinned against the wall with customers rushing at you. Floor would be nice! I like floor :)

Here's hoping.

Runescape. Getting slightly addictive. Uh oh. Oh well I won't be playing much over the next little while. So much happening!

Avatar. Chapter 2 of Book 3 out tomorrow! Sonny you still need to get those DVDs to me.

K back to the music.


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