Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, September 24, 2007

Party Time!

YUSS!!!! I got Saturday night off work!! I'm so happy now.

Best all-nighter memories ever:

- Playing cricket at BBI at 4.30am
- Roaming the streets of meadowlands at about 3am
- Visiting the Howick Historical Village between 1am and 3am and then going for a . . . drive . . . later on

Now I gotta get next Saturday night off too. So many 21sts at the moment! September minus 9 months = . . . ohhh . . . New Years.

What else was I going to say? Oh yea . . two assignments due tomorrow. One's for stats, which is part of the maths paper almost every 3rd year engineer does. Ridiculously easy. It's already basically done for you in the book. All you have to do is change the names of the data and write your own conclusions by slightly altering what they give you in the book.

And French. But I don't know yet if that's going to be easy or not, because I'll be starting it after I've written this.

There's something going around msn at the moment. Someone starts a chat supposedly asking you to have a look at some "pictures" "they've" been editing. Then they try sending you a zipped folder which supposedly has the pictures. If someone randomly tries sending you a zipped folder along with a message that says something like "can i up some of these pics of ya to my myspace profile?" or "hey man accept my pics. :( i just edited it to look maad funny.." or something like that - don't accept it! It isn't them sending it - it's this and you'll just join the train with your msn trying to send it on to other people.



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