Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Really Early

Another post, even though I last posted only about eight hours ago, because it's technically Saturday, and I don't know when I'll get another chance to post today. I haven't been to bed yet (obviously) so it still feels like Friday to me. So this post is just really early.

I really like the early hours of the morning - the time between midnight and about 4am - they're very peaceful, and on a fine night, they're also very beautiful. There's nothing quite like sitting outside at about 2am on a quiet night. Especially if there's a morepork around. I love morporks.

But what I like the most about that time of day is the fact that I only generally see it when I'm at a party or drinks. The late night is the best time in a party - it's the time when everything's wound down and the really fun stuff begins - the random walks (or drives if there's a sober driver) when it's just you guys and the night and you can do almost whatever you want. That's the best. It's like a time out of time - It's not yesterday and it's not tomorrow - half of you are drunk and nothing counts and nothing matters. It's a great feeling.

I personally think that those of us who don't drink much have it better at that time of night - we remember it and so we can appreciate it so much more :)

But actually my favourite time of day is around sunrise - the bit from about 4am through to about 8am. I just hate being up to see it. I don't know why, but the start of a new day always seems so clean and fresh, particularly when it's fine. And peaceful. The early dawn with the sky lightning and the birds starting to wake up, through to the sun rising, and then the peaceful, fresh beginning of a new day with the ground covered in dew and a whole lot of fresh smells on the breeze.

It's like the deep breath before the plunge. Then you have breakfast and suddenly the day's caught up with you. You then have things to do, places to be, times to go by.

It's kind of depressing actually - even while enjoying it, you know the tranquility of the early morning won't last. Soon it'll disappear like the dew and you'll be into the day. It doesn't last very long at all.

Oh well, there's always the next one tomorrow morning.


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