Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Half Steam Ahead

Does anyone know how to install a game that isn't compatible with Windows XP? I tried running the installer in compatibility mode for Windows 95 and it just ignored me. The game itself can run on an XP computer (because I was able to download and play a demo version), it's just you can't install it from a CD.

Windows is annoying sometimes.

I been thinking about the future. I'm starting to seriously consider dropping my BA. It's something that I can fairly easily pick up later in life, and it means I will finish uni that much sooner. I'd quite like to be out of uni halfway through 2009, which is a full year earlier than the earliest I'd be out if I continued with my BA.

If I do then I will hopefully be able to finish Engineering by the end of next year, although it's more likely I'll be finished in 2009. I'll probably have to do the full degree, which would mean taking i think three papers more than I have to do with the conjoint, which would add a semester to the degree.

Also I have 800 hours of practical Engineering job experience I have to get done before I can graduate. I absolutely loathe the idea of working full time for 3 months or so over summer, and I'm thinking if I only do 200 or so hours this summer and another 200 or so next summer, then I could do the remaining 400 by working full time for a semester after finishing all my classes. Then I could graduate.

And then after I graduate I'm planning on applying for the Airforce, as an Engineering Officer. Back in sixth and seventh form I went through a period of really wanting to join the Airforce, and now I'm seriously considering it again. Flying down to Antarctica to oversee the servicing of an Orion, or flying a plane up and down the country to see how it handles after having a software upgrade sure beats sitting in an office doing paperwork.

And then after serving in the Airforce? Well . . .


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