Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Say where you find this conversation starts getting unbelievable. (This is a conversation we had were one of the members was being pranked without knowing it. We didn't start out with the intention of pranking her, and we had been talking for hours (in fact basically the whole evening) before this part of the conversation). See if you can work out where we started pranking (the beginning of the convo is serious). The gaps with the dots in the conversation are where bits of the conversation have been edited out.

In the convo:

daveo - stupid assignments ...................[David]
PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ ......................................[Liam]
- #23 [Yəhošhúa] #23 ............................[Josh]
Kat ........................................................[Kat]
"dinq fries are done" ..............................[(Chri)stina] (the one being pranked)

(11:04 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:04 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nxt wednesday i can do i think
(11:04 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
nxt wednesday.. zoo?
(11:04 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
sure y not
(11:04 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
wat? who?
(11:04 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:04 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:04 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:04 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:04 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:04 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:04 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i MIGHT hav a test that day
(11:04 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
but i dont think so
(11:04 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
fuckin hell
(11:04 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
damnit guys she knows
(11:05 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i think this time its ACTUALLY thursday
(11:05 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
na stina u can cum.....i guess
(11:05 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:05 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:05 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:05 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea we shulda talked abt it sumwhere else
(11:05 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i know lols yes i know.. and YAY I CAN CUM..
(11:05 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea ll
(11:05 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
*hugs liam better*
(11:05 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:05 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
*runs away feeling violated*
(11:05 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
thats fantastic christina!
(11:05 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:05 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
lols.. so why are we qoinq to the zoo?
(11:06 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
y not?
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
wat time we qoinq to the zoo?
(11:07 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:07 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
gotta go motat aswell
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:07 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
gotta go motat
(11:07 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea motat too!
(11:07 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:07 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
ur mums a motat
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
why so early
(11:07 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh man im gonna b broke as fuk
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
my mum
(11:07 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
thats a song stina
(11:07 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
you quys know alotta sonqs
(11:07 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
haha yea we invent them all the time
(11:07 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
...bout mums
(11:08 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:08 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:08 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:08 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:08 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
so 4am the zoo.. and motat..
(11:08 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
*ding! christinas done!*
(11:08 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:08 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
can it be like 8am?
(11:08 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:08 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
nah gotta be 4am
(11:08 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:08 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
motat opens early so well hit that frst nd denn hit the zoo afta 4 da dae
(11:08 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
hahaha.. i thouqht it was real sonqs
(11:08 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
want to get there BEFORE they close!!
(11:08 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
josh cn u cum wake me up, byt beeping ur airhorn in my driveway
(11:08 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ohh, 4pm?
(11:08 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:08 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
no .... 4AM
(11:09 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:09 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:09 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
josh cn u b at myn at lyk 3.30??
(11:09 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
no aye lols
(11:09 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
theres no point going at 4pm!!
(11:09 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:

(11:09 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yes ay
(11:09 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah no worries
(11:09 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
whoooaa... josh are you really
(11:09 p.m.) Kat:
I'm lost
(11:09 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
sweet thanx u no hw bad i am at waking up
(11:09 p.m.) Kat:
Holly came home and I stupidly left my computer
(11:09 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:09 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:09 p.m.) Kat:
now everyone wants to talk to me and I'm lost
(11:09 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
Josh am i really what?
(11:09 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha dont sleep thru yur alarm or me and josh will hav to wake u and u dont want that to happen
(11:09 p.m.) Kat:
what's 4am?
(11:10 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
your face
(11:10 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
no stina we arent going TO 4am, we're going AT 4am
(11:10 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
qoinq at 3.30AM
(11:10 p.m.) Kat:
oh AT 4am, I get it, yeah sweet I'm in.
(11:10 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea gotta leave myn at abowt 3.30 tho
(11:10 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:10 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:10 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
or at least wake up
(11:10 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:10 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:10 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
if we want to get there b4 they close
(11:11 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
are we stealinq somethinq
(11:11 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:11 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah ... have you like never been to the zoo before?
(11:11 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:11 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
dude the zooo is paaacked nd motat is worse
(11:11 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
so we hit motat 1st wen it opens nd den go zooa ftawards
(11:11 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
we talkinq bout motat (trains and stuff) zoo (animals)
(11:11 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
oi christina u remember when transformers came out?
(11:11 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:11 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:11 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
we did like 80 000 people those holidays?
(11:11 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i memba
(11:12 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea fuk that suckwd
(11:12 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah, the zoo does that like every 3 days
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:12 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
tourists, mstly asian
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
man b glad we aint goin 2 da museum aswell
(11:12 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah its real bad
(11:12 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
4AM you quys are serious..
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:12 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:12 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
dw ill pick you up
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
lol hell wake me up nd ill follow
(11:12 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
V = essential
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nd lift plus,
(11:12 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nd a gud slap 2 da face
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nd a cold showa
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
OMG i onestly cant believe we qoinq at 4am... we'll be half aleep!! HAHAHA..
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nnd loud music
(11:13 p.m.) Kat:
Liam, want to pick me up at say 3? we'll jump in line and save a spot.
(11:13 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
oh yes cold shower
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea thats half tyhe fun!
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i need redbull
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
dont touch my face
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
rebull!!! josh is waking me up at 3.30 so b redy then nd ill b rownd prolli 3.45 ish
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
nxt wednesdae 4AM... mann!
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ill fynd ur house
(11:13 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
oooo, you cant have redbull in the zoo sorry,, the co2 emissions in it harm the animals
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ohhh yea
(11:13 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
fucking emissions
(11:13 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ahk then..
(11:14 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
just koz we got a hole alredi dsnt mean shit
(11:14 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
im still buzzinq out
(11:14 p.m.) Kat:
the only thing you can have is Lime cordial
(11:14 p.m.) Kat:
it's the only thing they let you have
(11:14 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:14 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
what about Orange? did they ever pass that bill suporting it?
(11:14 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
drink b4 we get there then
(11:14 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea but onli a certain brandd
(11:14 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ahk.. so whos cominq over at 3.45AM?
(11:14 p.m.) Kat:
I dunno, they might've but last time I was there it was only lime
(11:14 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:14 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hmmm we may aswell meet up at sylvia park
(11:14 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
koz im picking kat up
(11:15 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i dont want to drive
(11:15 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah OMG we should catch a movie beforehand
(11:15 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nd ur pickin up stina so meet in da undaground carpark nd well go frm there
(11:15 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
just to wake us up a bit
(11:15 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea!!!! see a 12am muvie!
(11:15 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:15 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:15 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:15 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:15 p.m.) Kat:
that's a plan, we can do a print check or something
(11:15 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:15 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
woohoo.. 12am movie, 4am motat & zoo
(11:15 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
all gud, my mums gunna b lyk "ur crazy"
(11:16 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
and this is next week wendesday.. correct
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oiiiii 1 day we shuld du a muvie amrathon
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:16 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
motats better in the dark neway
(11:16 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
imm sooo down!
(11:16 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
the mirror maze is less confusing
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:16 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
we should do that after motat and the zoo..
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
bring torches just 2 fuck wiv it
(11:16 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
we'll all be soo tried.. haha
(11:16 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah and the animals from the zoo are sometimes there
(11:16 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
muvie marathon AFTA motat nd zoo
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:16 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
they let the little animals owt
(11:17 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
and then drinks after that
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
YEAHH.. till 12am thursday !!
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:17 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea!!!! drinking!! im keeen
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
12 to 12
(11:17 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
wat i hate is when they put the snakes in the mirror maze
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
my house
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:17 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
kat or stin nd u change ur font colour plz
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:17 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
altho its quite funny watching ppl coming out faster than they went in
(11:17 p.m.) Kat:
fuck man, I'm an old maid, I dunno if I can handle that shit!
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(kats your time to chane lols)
(11:17 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah! haha love the snakes
(11:17 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
cmon ttry it
(11:17 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
yeah kat...
(11:18 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
its qona be fun..
(11:18 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
b mean!!!
(11:18 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
12am movie.. motat.. zoo.. movie marathon.. drinks...
(11:18 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
man im keen
(11:18 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
drinks at stinas!!!!!
(11:18 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
yeahhh drinks at mine
(11:18 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:18 p.m.) Kat:
I can get up early but I dunno about the late night. I'll coma and you'll all draw shit on me
(11:18 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahah SO
(11:18 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:18 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahahaha yea we will
(11:18 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
itll b funnier
(11:18 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
its called ART thank u
(11:18 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
and take fotos to put on bebo! haha
(11:19 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
thats just sick
(11:19 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yes! i shall draw batman on ur face
(11:19 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
man ima sleep all day tuesday ! hahaha
(11:19 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
me toooo
(11:19 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea same
(11:19 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
its the only way to do it
(11:19 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
and ill draw wonderman! hahaha
(11:19 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:19 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
yeah thats me!
(11:19 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:19 p.m.) Kat:
wonderwoman is the shiz!
(11:19 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:19 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah, but dont forget 10am tuesday we havin a catch up light drinks/BBQ
(11:19 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:19 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
not you too david.. errr
(11:19 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
see im batman (according 2 stina) nd shes the BOY wonder
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
sweet BBQ!
(11:20 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:20 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
stina thats wat we need at ur drinx a BBQ
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
wen were wasted!
(11:20 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
BBQ?? liqht drinks.. WEA?
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ok ok ok wait wait wait
(11:20 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
no HEAVY drinks are hers
(11:20 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha i can so see u blowing yurself up liam
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
lets plan this
(11:20 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
at 10am??
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
haha im nt cooking, sum1 sober can cook
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ill jst eat it
(11:20 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah liam can you sort out an itinery?
(11:20 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
wat itinery?
(11:20 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
for the events
(11:20 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
hahahaha HEAVY drinks?? mine hahaha.. 5 shots.. hahaha.. and
(11:20 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
jsut so everyones clear
(11:20 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
so the schedule?
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha 10!
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:21 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i got vodka!
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:21 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
yeahhh alrite then haha
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:21 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
we shuld go to the zoo drunk!!
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
im keen!
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
yeahh we should
(11:21 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
im serius
(11:21 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
get drunk - then drive to the zoo!!
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
im dead fucking serius!
(11:21 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
well sober person drives
(11:21 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
TUESDAY..... wats happeninq? WEDNESDAY... wats happeninq?
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
im fucking keen!!!!!!!
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
umm figuring that owt soon lol
(11:21 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
nah u dont need a sober person
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hus staying sober?!
(11:21 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
not me!
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:22 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
since when hav we said u gotta be sober to drive?
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
count me OUT
(11:22 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh yea im gettin drunk in a bush! (1 day)
(11:22 p.m.) Kat:
lol, sober person has to video the drunk people at the zoo!
(11:22 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha yea!
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
haha yea!
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
HAHA yeah..
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
so trruuue!
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
im gettin drunk 4 da zoo!!!
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
drunk in a bush??
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
u keen 2 join me?
(11:22 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
haahah yeahh ill qet drunk in the bush with you
(11:22 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hus keen 2 gt drunk in a bush
(11:23 p.m.) Kat:
fuck yeah! so we'll watch a movie and drink, then go to the zoo?
(11:23 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
il get drink inur bush
(11:23 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:23 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
oi josh u keen for another race across the africa enclosure?
(11:23 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:23 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:23 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:23 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
another race?
(11:23 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:23 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
across the africa enclosure?
(11:23 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yes!!! haha those zebras last time were SO scary!
(11:23 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
hey josh wat liqht drinks and bbq wur you talkinq bout??
(11:23 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
dnt u think the 1st 1 was dodgy enuf??
(11:24 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:24 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea i was trying to get it to stop following me!!
(11:24 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:24 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
lol man i tried but it ran at me!
(11:24 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:24 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
and the ostrichs! hahaha
(11:24 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:24 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
haha yea!
(11:24 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oi oi oi
(11:24 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:24 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
those things can RUN
(11:24 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:24 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:24 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:24 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
u no if u drive past an ostrich farm nd u beep they all luk up confused its hilarious
(11:24 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:24 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:25 p.m.) Kat:
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:25 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
trust me these tings r kwik!
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
so am i
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ill show you next wednesdae
(11:25 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
not as scary as the zebras tho
(11:25 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ill out run em DRUNK hahaha
(11:25 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
no, those zebras are pretty angry
(11:25 p.m.) Kat:
are we going next week or tomorrow?
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:25 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
especially now, very hormonal (its mating season)
(11:25 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
uni tomorrow
(11:26 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:26 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nxt week
(11:26 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
man they loved josh the mst
(11:26 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i think it was the white that got em goin
(11:26 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
haha.. joshy your hott haha
(11:26 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahahahaha that was pretty funny
(11:26 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:26 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:26 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
zebras love you lols
(11:26 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:27 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
stina josh!
(11:27 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:27 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:

(11:27 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ooooooh sum1s jealous
(11:27 p.m.) Kat:
well if I were a zebra I think I'd love Josh too
(11:27 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
sry im bored as fuk
(11:27 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:27 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:27 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:27 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha u got u a fan club!
(11:27 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
hey hey, stop fighting over me alright .. you can all have turns, including the animals
(11:27 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:27 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oi stina!
(11:28 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
oi liam
(11:28 p.m.) Kat:
lol, plenty of you to go around huh?
(11:28 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
abowt the movie the nyt b4, shuld we du a marathon DRUNK b4 we go 2 motat?
(11:28 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:28 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:28 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i think we should do movies. motat AND zoo DRUNK!
(11:28 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
oi im keen to get those Sylvia Park security officers chasing us again that time we streaked
(11:28 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nd den bbq nd light drinks 2 break us thru da hangova!
(11:28 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
haha oh yea!
(11:29 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
they got that on camera u can see ur white ass as clear as day!
(11:29 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
OI man this time we cant let the lions get into the africa enclosure either
(11:29 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:29 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
wat abowt the tym we dd it in bikinis
(11:29 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:29 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea my bad
(11:29 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
haha ir eckon we shuld!
(11:29 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i engjoyed that streaking!!
(11:29 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
o0ooo .. yeah david i think were still wanted for that ..
(11:29 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:29 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:29 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
theres nothing quite like running thru a carpark butt naked in the middle of the night with amer afta u
(11:29 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i want my arse all over the camera
(11:29 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:29 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:30 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
so yeah liam...
(11:30 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
next week...
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha honestly the adhrenaline rush is amazing, its makes u stand up
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
just ask amir!
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
we managed 2 tea bag him
(11:30 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah!! hahaha cant believe he joined us
(11:30 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
that was funny!!
(11:30 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
HAHA.. did you quys do that
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
cnt believe he enjoyed it
(11:30 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
fuck umm just afta we opened
(11:30 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
kinda gross when he joined but funny!!
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:30 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
waaaaay back
(11:30 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
at least we ddnt luk at him
(11:31 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:31 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:31 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
fucking awsum
(11:31 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
but then he got hit by the buggy ... its a pity hes still in the coma
(11:31 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:31 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh yea
(11:31 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
shit that sucked,
(11:31 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
its been wat .... 6 months hes been in that coma now?
(11:31 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
felt sry 4 him den aye,
(11:31 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:31 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
you quys are crazy man... whos in a coma
(11:31 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
poor amer
(11:32 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah .. shit when was the last time we visited?
(11:32 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
he got hit pretty hard, prolli ddnt help dat i pushed him in2 it
(11:32 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
we shuld go back
(11:32 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ummmmm far owt too long.
(11:32 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
wen he gets owt were soo goin streaking wiv him agen but not in a carpark
(11:32 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
liam you cant keep blaming yourself for that alright?
(11:32 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
he'll probly ask us again if they found his uniform - we shuld come up with sthto say
(11:32 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
we were all stupid
(11:32 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
well i pushed him ryt infrnt of it thinkin he culd get owt but he ddnt
(11:32 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea, fuck that thing was covered in blood
(11:32 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah i was right next to you dude but he chose to get hit
(11:32 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
man not a pretty site
(11:32 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
its not your fault
(11:33 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
but i still dnt feel gud abowt it
(11:33 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
maybe the old times will cheer us up
(11:33 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
maaan that blood tasted good tho
(11:33 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:33 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:33 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahah yea thats tru
(11:33 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:33 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
omg that was close
(11:33 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
micah nerli got hit
(11:33 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
he dd da mean train dodge
(11:33 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
esp during rush hour!
(11:33 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha yea!!! train track skipping
(11:33 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah liike fucking joe rokocoko
(11:34 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:34 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
man we were awsum at it, we shuld du it agen u keen 2 join in stina
(11:34 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i still cant believe u survived going under that freight train liam!!
(11:34 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
YEAH! im keen as..
(11:34 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i was like
(11:34 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahahaha dude im glad im skinny
(11:34 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah man i was so scared u were gone
(11:34 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:34 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
wat happend?
(11:34 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
dude that was da mean rush!!!
(11:34 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
haha yea skinny has its advantages
(11:34 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh i was crossing tracks
(11:34 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
im like readinq everythinq amazed!
(11:35 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
we were playing train chicken
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
nd slipped nd da train went ryt ova me
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
onli nicked me a few tyms
(11:35 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:35 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
remember when andys toes got caught under that train?
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
lucky it was a short train lol
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha oh yea!!!
(11:35 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha yea!
(11:35 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
garrisons nyts r da funniest
(11:35 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
he culdnt move fast enuf
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:35 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
he has 5 toes amputated
(11:35 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
wat i totally lost
(11:35 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
or was it 4?
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
3 nd a half
(11:35 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:35 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:35 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea ddnt u hear?
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i ddnt
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
he has 3 nd a half toes gone
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
left foot
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:36 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
i swear he said it on induction
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
thats y he dsnt drve a manual
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh yea he dd 1
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:36 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
better than what happened to his right foot
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:36 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
it had to be taken off at the ankle
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
riqht foot wat happend?
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
burnt the skiin nd tendants
(11:36 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
it was amputated
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:

(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea, pretty bad accident
(11:36 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
havent u noticed?
(11:36 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
happened at berkeley
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:36 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i havnt
(11:37 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:37 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
the remaining tendants act up frm tym 2 tym
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
man.. im like.. fully blown away y EVERYTHING you quys just sed..
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
you quys are crazyyy!!
(11:38 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
its qreat !
(11:38 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:38 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
wait till u drink wiv us
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i want to join in
(11:38 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ull b tellin stories lyk this son
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i have........?
(11:38 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:38 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
no properly
(11:38 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ooOoOOo.. well invite me quys!!
(11:38 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
last time was feather drinks
(11:39 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
hahahaha wata !
(11:39 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
those feathers were good
(11:39 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
they go really well with the rum we had
(11:39 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:39 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
man gud tyms gud tyms
(11:39 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah, deep fried seagull is amazing
(11:39 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:39 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea!! my uncle taught me hw
(11:39 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(i dnt kno weather to blieve you quys or wat)
(11:39 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ur choice
(11:39 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
i love it how u have to snap the neck first
(11:39 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
but neway,
(11:39 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:39 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
that sound
(11:39 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:39 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:40 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
stop it sqwaking
(11:40 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
i dont know wat to say !
(11:40 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:40 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oi this 1 tym i cldnt snap it so i had 2 cut its hed off, but thats anutha story in itself
(11:40 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea skwaking is annoyin
(11:40 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
lol i udnno how to spell it
(11:40 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah!! ive punched a couple
(11:40 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha oh yea
(11:40 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
a m8 of myn frm intermediate threw a ball nd hit a pigeon
(11:40 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
but pigeons rnt az gud
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
rememba wen that goose chased me
(11:41 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
theyv got too much fat
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
so i kicked it in da beak nd chipped its beak off
(11:41 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
haha seagulls it was you aye liam when we took that ladys baby and shoved it in the bird cage in the pet shop?
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:41 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahahahaha i rememeber that!!!!
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
shut up i was on E
(11:41 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
that was awesome!!!
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
rememba u spiked my drink!
(11:41 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
man i tihink we were all on something
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
bastard, gud day tho
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea hahaha
(11:41 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
are you quys serious
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:41 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
shuld hav it on video sumwhere
(11:41 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah ahve u never done E?
(11:41 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
fuckin messed up tyms
(11:42 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:42 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
dude we shuld do sum now!!
(11:42 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
but i mean
(11:42 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:42 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
all these stories
(11:42 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
i cracked some before
(11:42 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:42 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
thats ryt
(11:43 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
rememba wen i borrowed my mums car nd let u drive josh nd u crashed it in2 dat ditch at lloyd elsemore!
(11:43 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:43 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:43 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
ur lyk "oh im not gonna crash in lloyd elsmore!"
(11:43 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
oh jesus christ shut up ok i had a puff of P
(11:43 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
never doing that again
(11:43 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
it went under a trainn as well didnt it?
(11:43 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha!!! hey we all dd
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea we made it owt 2 b stolen nd left on da tracks
(11:44 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha thats right
(11:44 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
police bought it,
(11:44 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
man we're lucky
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:44 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i culdnt remember whether the train was real or just a part of the P
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yeaaa the honda accord!
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i onli just gt my restricted nd ud had urs 4 a few month
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:44 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
who wuld hav guessed there was a train at lloyd elsmore!
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:44 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
*sits heere readinq and lauqhinq*
(11:44 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
i know!!
(11:44 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
fucking random
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
wow fucked up nyt
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
runs thru 2 manukau
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i caught that train 1 dae
(11:45 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
well those freight trains are pretty mobile
(11:45 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
dude that was my back
(11:45 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea they are
(11:45 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
we walked
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea, i jumped on da bak of 1 1 day
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
na na diff day
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i missed bowt 5 tyms b4 i got it
(11:45 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
dude that was MY bvack
(11:45 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:45 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
u guys werent there
(11:45 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
yeah we were
(11:45 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
you were lost
(11:45 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
ohh ok another day?
(11:46 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea anutha day
(11:46 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
didnt we go to repco or sth?
(11:46 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
to the petting zoo they have there
(11:46 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea that was a few days afta i dd dat
(11:46 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
haha and lit the oil can on fire in the shop!!! hahahaha
(11:46 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
stil got that vid david?
(11:46 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha oh hyea!!!
(11:46 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahahaha yea!!!
(11:46 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
that was awesome!
(11:46 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
dude!! that fire was pretty big, lucky we gapped it
(11:46 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
funny thing was we ended up streaking away!
(11:47 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
well hey - clothes just hold u back!
(11:47 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
weigh u down
(11:47 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:47 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
and wev had plenty of practice
(11:47 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
where u put ur fone? i put up da rear
(11:47 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i think thats y my fone broke
(11:47 p.m.) Kat:
where's stina?
(11:47 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
no idea lol
(11:47 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea i put mine up yur rear as well
(11:47 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
im here kat just readinq and lauqhinq haha
(11:47 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
is that wat it was!
(11:47 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
well i held onto mine
(11:48 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha lucky, i farted 3 tyms
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
did you really
(11:48 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha watd u think it was? the matches?
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:48 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
lucky it wasnt the matches
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
poo liam!
(11:48 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
geeez, or else i wuldve been burnt as badly as andys foot
(11:48 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
u shulda heard him when one of our phones started vibrating
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:48 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahaha HEY
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
YOU GUYS ARE SOO FUNNY! omq.. im cryinq.. hhahaha
(11:48 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i tld u 2 keep that private
(11:48 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
my dads tellinq me to shut up haha
(11:49 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
lol woops
(11:49 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:49 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
just koz i sed it felt nice dsnt mean it can b public knowledge
(11:49 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha u did more than just say that!!

(11:52 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oi dude remeba wen i dressed up as batman nd ran thru botany wiv a patch cut owt of da costume 2 show my ass
(11:52 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yes plz
(11:52 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
DID YOU !! hahaahahaha
(11:53 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea!!! josh had it on vid
(11:53 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
well ima dress up at wonderman... cut a hole to see my arse.. and run thru sylvia
(11:53 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ahk then i will haha.. ill tell the rents
(11:53 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
and this is all next wed..
(11:53 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:54 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:54 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
wonder woman* hahaha
(11:54 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:55 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha that batman costume was funny!!
(11:56 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh fuck man wt abowt the tym u guys strapped my face up to the bonnet of my car nd drove it rownd a carparl whil i was nake!
(11:57 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:57 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:57 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:57 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:57 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:57 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i was comad
(11:57 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
is that on sum1s fone too
(11:57 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:57 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
oi stina
(11:57 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea davids
(11:57 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
read my latest post on my blog
(11:58 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
tell me when it starts getting unbelievable
(11:58 p.m.) - #23[Yəhošhúa]#:
nice david, nice
(11:58 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
ahk then and....... onestly hahaha
(11:58 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
vry well dun
(11:58 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
yea dude naked on a car bonnet wiv a........
(11:58 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
(11:58 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
on his head
(11:58 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
which one?
(11:58 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
i cnt rememb
(11:58 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
the top one lol
(11:58 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
hahahaha oh ok DAMMIT!
(11:59 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oooohhh u guys suck
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
i still got the video
(11:59 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
oh man
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
its on youtube too i think
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
or sumwhere
(11:59 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
du NOT put it on bebo!
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
cant remember wat i did with it
(11:59 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
hahaha hoyts bebo page!!
(11:59 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
uhhh NO
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
u'll hav so many fans!!!
(11:59 p.m.) PøL¥_Må$¡Åñ:
r u reading da blog sins?
(11:59 p.m.) "dinq fries are do:
yeah i rekon haha
(11:59 p.m.) daveo - stupid ass:
yea! tell me where it starts getting obviously made up

.....She clicked soon after. This is the "latest post" we were talking about. This post is here mostly as a way of breaking it to her that we were obviously messing with her.

For the record, because this is now public, I have to make it clear that even though we mention it, none of us have ever even tried E or P, and we don't plan on ever trying it.


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