Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I love driving. Driving is almost a living thing. Driving is more than just getting places - it's when you and your car become part of the same being. You become the eyes and ears and mind, while the car becomes the engine and wheels, of the one thing.

It's more than just turning the wheel and accelerating occasionally; it's feeling the car - being aware of its every sound, every vibration, every change in pitch, every bump in the road, even every smell. You can feel the tires' grip on the road, you can hear every part of the engine working, you can see what's coming up and you know how the car responds best to what you're coming up to, and you make adjustments to suit it.

You are in intimate control over the car. You know exactly what's best for it, and you fine tune every aspect to get the most you can from it while asking for as little as possible from it - you change down a gear, twitch the steering wheel slightly, feel the resulting change in vibration and the slight kick, and gently tap the accelerator, and you and your car coast smoothly around the corner, overtaking everyone else as they sit on their brakes.

There is very little that's more exhilirating than cruising down an empty highway in the middle of the night, hearing the quiet roar of the tires on the road, the whistling of the wind hitting the car, the roar of the engine, feeling the road through the steering wheel, seeing the lights and signs fly past, in it together with your car, and maybe your mates in theirs beside you and behind you, and nothing but empty highway in front of you.

This is why guys love cars.


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