Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Challenge

So I've been reading around random blogs and blogs of people whose blogs I don't normally read (like I do sometimes) and I discovered something cool. It's a challenge for those of us (ie. me) who are fairly relaxed towards blogging.

The challenge is simply to blog every single day. Even when you have nothing to say and no time to say it. I'm going to try it.

So this is my first post of my Daily Challenge.

Bourne Ultimatum: I want to see it again.


Blogger Kat said...

Go David!! Are you in for the punishment clause?

Fail to blog before 11.59pm on any given day and eat a blenderised Happy Meal of your choice, on camera - the footage of which gets posted on your blog in leiu of that day's post.

It's a challenge, good luck :)

7:36 pm  

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