Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Timetable 1075

Sounds like a geeky kid's toy.

Yes, it's my timetable.

Back in 2005 I said the sky would fall before I went to an 8am lecture. Apparently I was wrong, because I went to one today and the sky's still standing! It wasn't too bad actually - at the time. I'm feeling it now though. Still, I might actually keep going to them.

Here's the rundown:

Engsci 311: Mathematical Modelling 3
The third and final in the series of MM papers we have to do. This paper seems different to the earlier ones in that we don't do much maths. We do battle with Ordinary Differential Equations for a few weeks, but other than that this paper looks incredibly boring - offering mind-numbing early-morning torture in the form of Statistical Analysis (which I HATE) and Optimisation Models (which I am learning to hate). Yay. We get 3 assignments, 1 test, and an exam.

Mecheng 311: Thermal Engineering
This paper follows on from the Thermofluids paper we did last year. Thankfully it uses the same textbook! We'll be studying the 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, heat transfer, radiation, and heat exchangers. We regurgitate back what we're taught in the form of 5 quizzes, 2 labs, 1 test, and an (open book) exam.

Mecheng 325: Machine and Structural Dynamics
This has to be the course with the coolest sounding title in all of Mechanical Engineering! We basically look at the effects of disturbances in and on machines and structures - things like what vibration along an axle will do, or what happens to bridges when they resonate with the wind gusts striking them (death and destruction in both cases) - as well as what's going on to make it happen. The workload consists of 2 labs, 2 tests, 1 project and and exam. It looks like fun, but the maths involved in vibration is bastardly hard.

Mecheng 352: Manufacturing Systems
Ok, so imagine pretty much all of the worst lecturers in your department lumped together into one course. Then you can imagine our lecturer line-up in this. In this course we'll be in teams and we'll be essentially running a simulation of a small manufacturing company. We'll learn how to design the manufacturing floor, schedule machining, organise materials deliveries, and even keep our fictional employees motivated! The workload consists of 5 projects. They're hoping to be able to give a prize to the team that has the most productive and efficient "company" by the end of the semester - but they're waiting for sponsorship.

French 103: French Language 1
Yes, there are three French language papers in stage 1 French - 101 and 102 are "introductory" and 103 gets into it properly. Seeing as I love French, I should love this paper! La classe est assez petite, qui est bien, mais le prof nous enseigne en francais et quelquefois je ne le comprends pas, qui n'est pas bien. We've got 5 assignments, 3 minitests, 2 tests, an oral exam for those who don't speak in class, and an exam. The exam is only worth 30%!


Ok, for the three of you who've commented on my tagboard since my last post, here are the "colours" of your names. The column on the left is how I (and everyone) sees your names; the one on the right is approximately the "impression" I get in my mind:

There you go ;)



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