Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Yesterday during that storm I was driving to work. It was awesome.

Holidays = work = money = good.

Lots of work.

6 days a week, 8 - 10 hours a day :)

Except last night when I was closing and practically EVERYTHING went wrong. The safe didn't balance, the banking didn't balance, and the general ledger didn't balance.

Ended up having to call Australia to try and get help for it. Australia couldn't help, so I had to use the quick-fix method, which the people on today will love me for.


I've got 2 of my 5 marks back so far.

Mechanical Design: B+ (which I was expecting)
Control Systems: C+ (which is SO good! I was seriously worried about failing that! I suspect they scaled it).

I've still got 3 more marks to get. One of them I'm expecting an A or A-, another I'm expecting a C, and in the third I may well get D+.

Like - there's maybe a 60% chance of getting a D+


Jay Z seems to be really up himself


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