Blog Eight

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Haunted Cinema Near You

Back in this post I gave some evidence showing that Berkeley Cinemas Botany is haunted. To recap:

Helen do not keep reading.

Circle lounge has always been somewhat spooky when you're up there doing close on your own, and that the creepiness is centered around the dumbwaiter room (next to the door into Cinema 1). Some people reported unusual creaking noises (which might sound stupid until you've worked there a long time - because you get to know every noise that the building makes, and while it makes many noises, creaking is not one of them).

It's always felt to me like I was being watched by something through the closed dumbwaiter room door - something menacing. Noone wanted to stay up their on their own at night - especially after the lights were turned out. Sometimes I'd decide that I wasn't going to let myself get spooked and I would just stay up there and keep working - but I'd still end up eventually running downstairs spooked! It was more than just being scared of the dark - you could feel the direction that you were being watched from, and it was almost always from the dumbwaiter room.

Then things started happening with the lights. Occasionally when the last people left for the night, the lights would flick on, and you couldn't turn them off. Once the alarm was even set off, even though the close people then went back into the building and checked and couldn't find anyone (although the lights had turned themselves off again). I was there one night when the lights turned on as we were leaving. We decided to leave them, but as the supervisor was setting the alarm, she heard the door beside her unlock itself.

Then there was a period of a few weeks where the ice scoop (which sits in a stable position on the ice machine) was throwing itself onto the floor. It even did it once as someone was walking past.

Shortly after I posted that post some more stuff happened. People began to hang around downstairs because they were afraid to stay up in circle on their own. There is a row of fluorescent lights in Circle, and even though flourescent lights are notorious for flickering, the ones in Circle have never flickered. Until one night - there was a girl on her own up there closing, and all the flourescent lights started flicking on and off - not just flickering but actually turning off and on! And not just one but all of them!

Then another time another girl was up there closing on her own one night. There was a basket of laundry sitting on the bench in the dumbwaiter room. She heard a crash from the dumbwaiter room and looked inside and the basket was lying upside down on the floor with the washing everywhere! The basket had been pefectly stable on the bench, barely even overhanging the edge.

The ghost seems to be becoming bolder though. A few nights or weeks ago a girl was on her own on candy bar and she heard someone come up behind her. She said something to them and turned around and there was noone there.

Later that night there were two girls up in the bar in Circle Lounge. They were talking, when suddenly they heard footsteps going along the tiles between the bar and the glass overlooking the foyer. There was noone else up there. They ran into projection.

The ghost has been becoming more and more open. Now it has manifested (as footsteps) to two people at the same time. It used to be something that would happen to you when you were on your own (except for the lights at the end of the night) but now something has happened to 2 people as they stood talking.

Oh and the ice scoop has started flying off the ice machine again.

I kinda wish I was still working there just so I could be there if something happened, but I'm also glad that I'm working at Hoyts and away from the ghost.

Although having said that, one of the managers at Hoyts has reported hearing strange noises and feeling like he was being watched in Cinema 3.

There's a newish girl at Berkeley who's had 6 years experience in cinemas in Australia and she reckons that every cinema is haunted. She's based this on both her own experiences and stories that she's heard. I'm starting to agree with her. I know that Village Queen St is haunted by an old lady in a red dress.


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