Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, April 16, 2007

Duty Manager

Finally started my manager training on friday night! It meant I didn't finish until 2:30am though. Then I had more training on Saturday night. Again a 2:30am finish. That's the fun part about being a manager! You either start extremely early in the morning or else you finish extremely early the next morning.

That and you get to deal with the angry customers. Last night I had to deal with one very angry family and another dick and his pathetic attempt to get to see his movie for free. Needless to say I wasn't born yesterday and it didn't work and he was pretty upset. Loser.


Apparently Pan's Labyrinth is a really good movie, yet the trailer looks really bad, and what I've read of the plot looks like rubbish as well! Yet everyone who I've talked to whose seen it says it's brilliant, and apparently it got 95% on Rotten Tomatoes (although I can't be bothered checking).

Maybe I should see it and find out.



Blogger Hellz Bellz said...

Haha I know exactly how you feel David! That brings back awesome memories - NOT! Totally dont miss that job, I think I was too soft and that was why I always seemed to be getting into trouble :) Good luck with it though, Im sure that you will do better then I did!

10:17 am  

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