Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Today for me is the most incredible day of the year. On this day, roughly 1,975 years ago, God took on Himself the wrath and the punishment that was required for our sin against Him - and He died - hanging from a cross that was made from a species of tree that He had designed, under a sun that He had set in place - in our place.

Therefore the greatest promise, the greatest hope imaginable was given to humanity - "God Himself has taken your sin and died in your place so that all those who believe and turn to God can be free from both sin and death and can have true life with Him!"

When I stop and think about just what that means ... it just blows me away.


On a slightly different note, I saw Mr Bean's Holiday on Wednesday. It completely fulfilled all my hopes! If you love the tv series of Mr Bean then you will also love the movie! The major difference between the movie and the tv series is the tone of them - the tv series were just a series of disconnected skits that were extremely funny, whereas in the movie the skits are tied together by a storyline, which gives them a greater depth, and makes them even better!

Now the next big movies I want to see are: 300, Hot Fuzz, TMNT, Meet the Robinsons, and Stomp the Yard.


Work tomorrow! (Tonight actually). Time and a half!! :D :D



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