Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Midnight Madness

It's 11:11pm. In 12 hours I have a Control Systems assignment due. Then at 12pm I have a Design project due. At some unspecified time tomorrow I also have a Linguistics assignment due.

I'm struggling through the design report. Every minute the quality of it drops. For some time now it's been dropping very rapidly. I reckon I've still got a few hours to go before it'll be anything like finished to an acceptable standard. Then I have to finish my workbook and put the whole thing together. How we're going to do the electronic submission I don't know. Even printing off the report (at uni because there's no ink at home) will be a mission.

I'm missing half the required appendices and the quality of my report is still dropping.

Then I will finish off my linguistics assignment. That shouldn't take long although I really need to check some of my answers.

Then I can start my Control Systems assignment.


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