Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Legal Signing

Mobile phones do stuff all damage to aeroplanes. Using them in a plane is about as dangerous as it is using them in a car (unless you're the driver). The atmosphere is full of radiation that is far, far more dangerous to planes than that of a mobile phone - in fact it's full of phone signals as it is.

The real reason you aren't allowed to use a mobile phone on a plane is because of disputes over who foots the bill. All that is supposed to change in a few months apparently with some agreements over policies over phone use in international areas and over foreign countries. Then we will finally be allowed to use them on planes!

Speaking of cars,



When I think of autumn, I always think of Symonds Street with rain blowing up it and the footpaths buried in wet leaves. For some reason, that's the image that's ingrained in my mind that i associate with autumn. So today was a very autumn day.

I hate autumn. Probably just because I hate Symonds Street when it's cold and rainy and wet and covered with leaves.


Pretentious (adjective):
1. Trying to appear impressive by an exaggerated and unjustified display of importance or some other admirable quality.
2. Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.
3. One of the most annoying things a person can be.


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