Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Bits And Pieces

How powerful does a dream need to be for it to still be affecting you three days later?
-- As powerful as the one I had three nights ago.

When it seems
Like the world around you's breaking
And it feels
Like there's no one else around you
And it's quiet
There's a silence in the darkness
And it sounds
Like the carnival is over

As you walk
In the crowded empty spaces
And you stare
At the emptiness around you
You want to go
To the city and the bright lights
Get away
From the sinners that surround you

Cause I will be there
And you will be there
We'll find each other in the dark
And you will see
And I'll see you too
Cause we'll be together in the dark

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
Cause I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark
And if it terrifies you
Then it terrifies me
Cause I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

As I look into the sky
There's sparks bright as ice
You want me to take you over there
I want you to stay with me
Cause you're not the only one
The only one

No, no
Don't worry
You're not the only one

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
But I will be there
Cause we need each other in the dark
And if it's panicking you
Then it's panicking me
But I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

In the dark
In the dark
We'll need each other in the dark

In the dark
In the dark
We'll hold each other in the dark

Now we're safe together in the dark

Cause we've got each other in the dark

(DJ Tiesto - In The Dark [ft. Christian Burns])


Helen don't read the rest of this post.

There's something wrong with Anawhata beach. Whether it's to do with the old Maori graves in the caves overlooking the beach, or whether some ancient person put a curse on it or what, I don't know, but the fact is there is something wrong with it.

Mysterious lights have been seen there, and have been seen coming from the beach and flying through the sky. Back in the 70's a group of American spiritists wanted to set up a spiritist retreat in the hills overlooking Anawhata because they realised there was something 'special' about it. Their request was denied. Unlike every other beach on Auckland's west coast, noone lives at Anawhata. Settlers tried settling there at the same time as the other beaches were being settled, but unlike settlers at the other beaches, they never stayed longer than a few years before leaving again.

When I was a kid I went there once. The two things I most strongly remember from that day are the eeriness of the beach and an overwhelming desire to never go back.

There is a 19km long gravel road to Anawhata from the Piha road. One of my cousins told me a couple of years ago about how they and some of their mates turned down it coming home from Piha one night. They didn't get very far before they got utterly spoooked and turned around and came back as fast as they could.

My sister told me yesterday about how she and her boyfriend were at Piha on Sunday. On the way back they also drove down the Anawhata road. They got all the way to the end, then turned around to come back. On the way back, as they approached a large dip in the road between two ridges, they saw another car coming towards them on the ridge on the other side of the dip. My sister says the car was white, but her boyfriend thought it was silver. They drove down into the dip, losing sight of the car (because it was on the ridge in front of them and above them), but when they started going up again the car wasn't there. It hadn't passed them and there was no indication that a car had gone off the road - no skidmarks and no holes in the dense bush on each side. They also knew that it hadn't turned around before they got to it because there was no dust cloud (every vehicle on that road kicks up a dustcloud). It had completely disappeared!

Did they see a phantom car? Given Anawhata's track record it wouldn't surprise me.


Blogger Jamie said...

hey mate... I duno where u get ur facts from but u've hit quite a nerve with me. My family owns a beach house right on the anawhata beach and ive been going out there for 20 years and never experianced the "spooky" you talk about. Also, my dad lived in the house for 7 years and my grandad lives there now... Id say the lack of settlers out there now is because the land that could be settled on is privatly owned...

5:51 pm  

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