Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, April 07, 2007





Very, very good movie

Trying to work as much as possible atm. Worked last night running La Prem on one of its first really busy nights and it was also the first night that everything went perfectly smoothly! Got biiiiig kudos from the big manager for that :)

Worked today - was there at 6:50am and got home about 10pm (after seeing 300 though).

Will go in tomorrow night to help out.

Work monday

Hopefully work tuesday and wednesday too.

I really really want the money.

Saving up for my own car.

Dennis if you wanted more shifts and were to ask them if you could come in then they probably wouldn't say no.

Movies still to see:
- Meet The Robinsons
- Hot Fuzz
- Stomp the Yard

Apparently Pan's Labyrinth is awesome. It looks really, really random and stupid but apparently it's absolutely incredible!


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