Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, May 18, 2007

Planes and Trains and Trips

Look what Simon did to my EFTPOS card.

It got caught up in the heat of the moment!

Oh I'm so witty.

In a couple of hours we will be dropping my mum off at the airport. She's going to England for two and a half weeks. Some business meeting. She's only got one or two days of meeting I think and the rest of the time she's going to be touring around sight seeing! She's going to Paris, Scotland, and Dublin. Her flight to Dublin is going to cost her thirty NZ cents!!

We're going to miss you mum. Have a good time!

Next holidays I want to take the train down to Wellington one day. Stay the night and come back the next day on the train again. Maybe stay two nights and come back on the third day. Anyone interested?

Doing the 48 Hour Film Challenge tomorrow! So excited. Going to be so much fun!

Anyway, gotta start my assignment due Monday.


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