Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, April 22, 2007


I'm just here filling in time while I wait for my download to finish downloading. 139MB and it's going SO slowly! It's averaging about 25kbps which is barely faster than dial-up!

7 minutes 50 seconds left (apparently).

Work friday night. We got out at 4am! It was my 3rd shift as a manager and now I can add my name to the "I've Had To Stay Until 4am" list. This was simply because the safe didn't balance and we pretty much had to redo most of what we'd already finished just to get it to balance.

It sucked so much.

Then work last night we were finished by 1:45am. So good!

Anyway, I got to witness this last night:

*Man walks into a subway with an empty subway cup and fills it at the drinks tower then goes to leave*

Subway guy: "Hey!!"

Man: "What?"

Subway guy: "You going to pay for that?"

Man: "It's a free refill isn't it?"

Subway guy: "No it's not we don't do free refills!"

Man: "Well you didn't tell me that. Anyway it's only half full." And he walks out.

What a wanker! I REALLY hate customers like that. I wanted to tell him what a dick he was but he probably would have hit me. If I was the subway guy I would have told him that noone had told him he could have free refills and that if he walked out he'd be charged with theft!

Download complete.

I went and got myself a good book today: The Children of Hurin by JRR Tolkien. It's his "latest" book. I started reading it even though I'm reading another book atm, and it's really good! He may not be so good at telling a plain straightfoward story, but he's really good at using echoes of European mythology to make his own seem so much more real. And he's just plain good at telling legends.

Uni tomorrow. Back into it. I've done no work for it these holidays which is really bad. Hopefully now that I'm back into it I might actually do some catch-up work. I'll still have time this week....

April ends in 8 days.


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