Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, April 16, 2007

No Title

What's that word you use to describe someone who teaches tolerance and respect and understanding to all, but also condemns intolerant people for not showing respect and understanding towards a particular group of society?

Oh, that's right. Hypocrite. That's the word.

They believe that everyone's beliefs should be respected and treated equally, yet they can't do that to people who don't share that belief.


Ranongga is one of the islands in the Solomon Islands archipelago. It's aproximately 32km long and 8km wide and is fairly mountainous.

In the earthquake that struck the Solomons a couple of weeks ago, the entire island was lifted about 3 metres out of the sea!! As a result the island is up to 140m wider than it used to be, and the new shore consists of dying coral reefs that used to be underwater.

The ground literally split open in some places, with cracks up to 50cm wide forming! What's more, a massive 500m long chasm has opened up in the sea floor just off the coast.

Some of you may remember how last August or the August before I put up a post telling about how scientists are saying that New Zealand is overdue for a massive earthquake. Well, apparently that quake may well strike within the next two weeks. Before the end of April.

That's a scary thought.

In other news, there's a morepork calling outside my window. When I was really little i was scared of moreporks.

*Goes outside to see if he can see the morepork*


Blogger Celata said...

That's true... Though... is the treatment of Islam by the Western similar to that? Ok, it's not exactly hypocrisy within a single body, but there are similar mixed beliefs.

Westerners are trying to embrace Islam as a peaceful religion (which is what muslims are also portraying; Stage 1 of a weakened Islam in Mark A. Gabriels book, where lying about the true beliefs of religion is justified to allow the movement to gather strength).

At the same time, Muslims in other countries refuse to accept peace towards the West.. Which of course is no good for the West, which is making itself vulnerable to attack.

[end digression]

1:50 pm  

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