Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Like Clockwork

There is something that has been brought to my attention repeatedly over the last few years, and that is the apparent link between the US's attempts to bring about a compromise between Israel and the Arabs, and the natural disasters that hit the US.

Everytime the US attempts to make Israel concede to Arabic demands, or shows support for Israel's enemies, it is hit by devastating weather patterns that range from bizarre storms to some of the costliest disasters in American history. Let me elaborate with some of the few examples I've found so far:

> In August 1992, Washington DC hosted a meeting between members of the Israeli government and the PLO (Arafat's terrorist organisation created to destroy Israel) to try and bring about some sort of settlement between them. The meeting was part of a process to get the PLO to recognise Israel's right to exist in it's pre-1967 borders, while also negotiating the creation of a "Palestinian State." The same day that this meeting occured, Hurricane Andrew hit Florida causing $26 billion in damage. At the time it was the worst disaster in US history.

> In March 1993 Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin met with US President Bill Clinton and the Secretary of State in Washington to discuss Israel's role in the peace process. Clinton urged Rabin to do more to further the peace process. While Rabin was in Washington, the "Storm of the Century" hit the eastern US. At its peak the storm stretched from Cuba to Canada, and caused massive blizzards, hurricane force winds, numerous tornadoes, and record low atmospheric pressures all across the eastern US. The storm affected 26 states, and about 10 million people were left without power.

> In September 1993 the Oslo Accord was signed. This agreement called for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and the West Bank and the creation of a Palestinian Authority to govern those areas. The host of these meetings, Norwegian Foreign Minister Johan Jorgan Holst, died unexpectedly four months to the day after the signing.

Three days later President Clinton met with president Hafez Assad of Syria. Assad - a known drug smuggler and harbourer of terrorists - declared before all the world's media that "Israel withdraw from all occupied Arab lands." The meeting was publicised as "Assad's greatest triumph. " The next day, January 17 1994, the Northridge Earthquake hit Los Angeles, killing 67 and leaving 26,000 people homeless. It caused $30 billion in damage, making it America's new worst disaster in history. It's interesting that the epicentre was located directly under the headquarters of a multi-billion dollar porn industry.

Three days later a record-crunching cold hit the eastern US, killing another 100 and affecting 75 million people.

> More recently, in June 2003 US president George Bush met with Israeli PM Ariel Sharon and Palestinian PM Mahmoud Abbas in Jordan to discuss the "Road Map to Peace." Four days later the first confirmed cases of Monkeypox (an incurable disease similar to Smallpox) were announced in the US.

> In August 2005, Ariel Sharon implemented his unilateral disengagement plan despite massive opposition from both inside and outside the Israeli government. The plan had full US support and involved forcibly evicting Israelis from their homes in Gaza and the West Bank. Several months later Sharon was killed by a massive brain hemorrhage.

On August 23, the day the West Bank evictions were completed, Hurricane Katrina formed in the Mid Atlantic Ocean. The Israeli settlements in Gaza and the West Bank were leveled - first by the Israeli military, and then by the Arabs they left behind, leaving 9,000 Israelis homeless; the American city of New Orleans was also leveled by Hurricane Katrina, leaving a couple of hundred thousand people homeless.

> Condoleeza Rice has become the US's spokesperson on the Israeli-Palestinian peace project and she often visits other countries pushing for an Israeli-Palestinian compromise. Here's a schedule of her European tour in January 2007 with the corresponding weather patterns that hit the US and accompanied her through Europe:

12/1: Rice left for the Middle East for meetings with the Israelis, the Palestinians, Egypt, and Kuwait to discuss the peace process in Israel and attempt to gather Middle East support for President Bush's plans in Iraq.

The same day a massive wave of freezing rain, sleet and snow began in Oklahoma, Missouri, Iowa, Texas and New York and Maine.The ice storm was described to be one of the worst the Midwest region has ever seen in breadth of coverage in so many states. There were widespread power outages across Missouri and airports and highways were closed across the central US. The entire state of Oklahoma was declared to be in a state of emergency, and approximately $750 million worth of crops were destroyed by ice in California. The storm was compared in intensity to the "Storm of the Century" that struck in 1993.

17/1: Rice flew to Berlin to meet with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier to discuss her trip to the Middle East.

While she was there hurricane force winds hit Germany, toppling trees and cranes, and causing the unprecedented closure of Germany's long distance rail system.

She had to cut short her Germany visit in order to fly to Britain before the airports were closed. Shortly after she landed at Heathrow Airport, it too was closed, cancelling 123 flights. The hurricane force winds also hit Britain and France, and caused major disruption to traffic networks there, including the closure of the Channel Tunnel because electric cables were blown onto the tracks in Northern France.

> Last month, in early April, after Mahmoud Abbas publicly announced on Palestinian TV that the PA must use their US given guns on Israelis. Later that month, the White House gave $59 million to the Hamas-led PA government. A couple of days later, on April 12, disaster struck the US again. A storm system developed on April 12 and caused high winds and dust storms in Southern California and the Desert Southwest. The storm then pushed east toward Texas by Friday. It produced severe storms across the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, including six tornadoes over northern Texas. By Saturday and into Sunday morning, the storm made its way through the Southeast, producing severe storms including tornadoes (at least 18 tornadoes were reported). On the east coast waves up to 10m high were reported, along with coastal flooding, including flooding within New York. One of the biggest snow storms ever recorded hit Pensylvania with half a metre of snow deposisted.

It's also worth noting that the only two nations to have completely disintegrated since the formation of the UN, Yugoslavia and Somalia, are the same two nations that have introduced more anti-Israel resolutions in the UN than any other nations. (The USSR wasn't, strictly speaking, a state, but was rather a federation of nominally independent states).

Yugoslavia no longer exists in any form. Somalia is still internationally recognised as a single state, however in practice it no longer exists - instead the region known as "Somalia" consists of several independent states.

Is all this a coincidence? Maybe. But watch the weather reports in the US the next time they interfere with Israel. And watch the weather reports in any nations that Condoleeza Rice visits to discuss Israel. Let's hope she doesn't come here.


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