Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Back in my first two years of primary school I had the same teacher two years running. I remember that she was very strict, but that was probably just coz I had no other teachers to compare her to. In hindsight she was one of the best teachers I ever had.

We had some strong disagreements at times, and I sure was a handful, but she taught me some valuable lessons, and not just how to add and subtract.

After I left primary school I only saw her a couple of times, but she still remembered me (although most the teacher who were there then probably remember me).

Anyway, earlier this year she went on a trip to Russia (some of you who have been following the news may realise where I'm going with this) via China. On the 29th of May, near the end of her trip, she left Moscow to visit the The Trinity Lavra of St Sergius monastery. No-one heard from her again. When she didn't arrive home back in Auckland on the flight she was due on, she was reported missing.

Her body was found about 2 weeks later, earlier this week, dumped about 500m into the forest near the monastry with a rope around her neck. She had been murdered.

It's so sad. And so hard to believe. I hope it's a public funeral.


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