Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, June 15, 2007



Some breathing space!!

Three exams in three days.

Not prepared for any of them.

One more - next thursday. Will start studying on Sunday. Working tomorrow.

Find the critical buckling load in member AC. Find the controller gain using the Nyquist criterion analytically. Show from first principles that the polar moment of area is (pi*r^4)/2. Find the time response of the following second order closed loop system. Design a controller that ensures a steady state error of 3. Find the principle stresses at point A and give the angle of rotation.

I learnt so much in a few days that it's still all buzzing around in my head! I've even been dreaming that I've been solving problems in past exams!

But having said that, study is so much easier when you really enjoy what you're studying.

So anyway,

If you happen to be sick of study, here's a perfect way to procrastinate: Get lost. There's 9 levels to chose from - level 0 is ridiculously easy and level 9 is ridiculously hard. Your challenge: Beat 4 minutes on level 7 three times running.

Work tomorrow! I hope we're not as insanely busy as we were last weekend.



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