Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Improv Everywhere

"It’s only in a camera-crazy tourist haven like New York that you can go into a public bathroom, snap photos of men standing at urinals, and not only will they NOT be angry, they’ll often take out their own camera and snap a pic of that same urinal, thinking, “Huh, this toilet must be famous.”"

Improv Everywhere is a group in New York that go around creating random scenes in mundane public places in order to cause a bit of "chaos and joy" in people's lives as they go around doing everyday things.

For example they have:

- Created a tour boat cruise in a spa-pool sized fountain in a park in New York
- Staged a man threatening to leap off a building and kill himself - off a 4 foot ledge - while a cop tries to get him to change his mind from across a busy street
- Filled all 35 listening stations at a Virgin Records megastore, then got the people to stand in a long line at the stations staring out at the store while the security gaurds panicked, before getting them to preform a dance routine while still plugged in to the stations
- Created a repeating 5 minute scene at a Starbucks and repeated it 12 times, making people wonder if they were in a time loop
- Held a syncronised swimming practice in a larger fountain in the same park that they had the boat tours

This group is awesome!!

Haha you know I've studied too much when i put bullet points in my posts.


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