Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Imagine a fairly burly man, wearing a leather jacket, fairly tight jeans and dark sunglasses. He's got tattoos all over his arm and a typical biker beard.

And he's got an ipod that he's listening to.

And for the entire bus ride home all you can hear blasting from his headphones is the likes of the Spice Girls and Avril Lavigne.

SO funny! He's been on my bus a couple of times now.

Speaking of weird people, there's a lady who does engineering who we call Crazy Lady. I think she does Civil Engineering, but apparently she's been there at least as long as I've been there, and I think she's still in first or second year. She dresses up in the weirdest clothes you'll see outside the Arts department - things like what can only be described as a baggy full-length leather swimsuit with a skirt to match. She's really bizarre - she has been known to turn up to classes from other courses thinking they're hers, and apparently once she turned up to one of our tutorials where we were handing in a project and said she was sorry she hadn't done the project. She never sits at a computer - she kneels in front of them, and she walks as though she's always about to loose her balance.

Potty people are interesting.

So apparently Voldemort's a woman! Turns out she and Dumbledore are ex's recently divorced and that Harry Potter is actually their child and the entire series is just one big metaphor for a custody battle!

What a surprise.

Imagine the reaction had that been true XD


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