Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Mark down the 28th of August into your diaries - on that night the full moon will go blood red for about an hour and a half.

If you're going to take someone on a date that night, don't go sit in the romantic light of the full moon - it won't be romantic for long! There's nothing quite like telling someone you love them as everything around you goes dark and turns to the colour of blood!

Apparently it will be one of the most spectacular lunar eclipses in quite a while, because not only will the moon pass straight through the middle of the earth's shadow (normally at least a corner of it stays out of the shadow), but the moon will also only be a couple of days from its closest approach to Earth, meaning it'll be slightly bigger (not that you can see the difference).

Not only that, but I think it'll be the first total lunar eclipse we've seen in NZ since 1993!


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