Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Looking Behind

How to sum up an entire night in one photo:

Haha, they're gonna hate me for that.


Saw Black Snake Moan last night. It's good! VERY weird to start with! It was very different to, and I think a lot better than, what I expected. Samuel L Jackson is the man and Christina Ricci is HOT! She spends the first half of the movie just in her underwear, and I have to admit she made me feel like a 14 year old again :P You guys will know what I mean when you see it. She's not just hot, she's also very good in her role. Her very disturbed role.

Anyway, Black Snake Moan is good. Go see it.

I did something unusual last night - I bought a CD. Actually it wasn't just one CD, it was three CDs in one, for the price of one :D

I love the cover:

Haha and seeing the name suddenly most of you just lost interest as to what was in it :P

Seriously who came up with that idea for a cover. I mean it's like they held a competition for the wackiest design anyone could think of, and then mixed together the three wackiest!

Oh wait, here we go - the cover credits:

Artwork by: Anna Stark

There you go then.


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