Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Be Ready


If you're in the computer labs when the fire alarm goes off:

1. Groan in an annoyed way
2. Finish what you're doing on the computer
3. Start to close all the programs you've got open, saving your work beforehand
4. Pack up your stuff while the computer logs out
5. Get up, pushing your chair in and begin making your way to the exit
6. Ignore the fire warden as they try to hurry everyone out
7. If you're with mates, wait for them as they pack up their stuff
8. Walk out of the labs and join the mob slowly leaving the building

If you're in the cafe:

1. Groan in an annoyed way
2. If you're eating, take another couple of bites from whatever it is you're eating
3. Pick up your lunch/book/cards/laptop/whatever and hold it while organising yourself and packing up the rest of your stuff
4. Make your way out of the glass doors at the end
5. Sit at one of the tables (or just stand around) and go back to whatever it was you were doing before the alarm went off

If you're in the library:

1. Groan in an annoyed way
2. Finish the problem you're working on. If it's a long way from being solved then finish the part that you're doing
3. Pack up your stuff. This means your books, pens, rulers, calculators, food, phones, drink bottles, tutorial sheets, notes, and anything else you have lying around
4. If you're with mates and they're still packing up once you're done, then wait for them
5. If you have a library book, leave it somewhere where nobody will find it before you get back
6. Leave via the nearest exit, which by now will probably be blocked with a smoke curtain. Therefore you must make a long detour to get out.

If you're in a lecture:

1. Cheer
2. Begin packing up your things while talking to everyone around you, in front of you, and behind you.
3. Throw the paper planes you made earlier in the lecture with the materials so kindly left by the people running for AUSA positions
4. If one of them hits the lecturer, turn away and look busy
5. Start walking to the end of your row
6. At the end of the row, turn and wait for your mates, then join the mob heading for the exit
7. Once outside, realise once again that standing there doing nothing is so much more exciting than sitting in a lecture
8. If it's after half-past, go do something else - there's no point going back to the lecture

If you're in a lab:

1. Ignore the alarm. You're too busy and there's things in here far more dangerous than a fire, and the chances are no-one will check to make sure that the room's evacuated anyway
2. If there is a fire and it breaks through into your lab, shut everything down before leaving! You wouldn't want the propane tank to explode in the heat, sending the turbine blades through the window and into the crowd of people waiting to get back inside!

By following these simple instructions, now you too can be safe during a fire evacuation in the Engineering building.


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