Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, August 03, 2007

Not Alone

I was about to copy and paste some lyrics into this post when something happened. My laptop screen is highly reflective when it's running off batteries in the afternoon (because the screen's dim and because of the way the light hits it), and so even though I've got my back to my room I can still see everything that's going on behind me.

I was looking over the lyrics when just behind me and to the right I clearly saw something small and white fly up from the floor to the ceiling of my room. I have no idea what it was.

But it's the second time in two days I've thought I saw something. The other time was last night when out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something small and white dart into the corner of my room, but I assumed it was a trick of the light.




Masters and Nickson – Out There

They're looking for the fifth here
They say it holds the secret
On how to live forever

They keep me in a dark room
Where I can have my visions
And show them to the treasure

Somewhere through a tear in the fabric of our universe
Somewhere through a tear in the fabric of our universe

It’s out there
I can feel it
I can almost see it
Hiding in the ether

I can feel it…
I can almost see it
Hiding in the ether
Out there

It’s out there
I can feel it
I can almost see it
Hiding in the ether

I can feel it...
I can almost see it
Hiding in the ether
Out there



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