Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This guy has balls of titanium - I'd have dropped mine when I got out of the truck!

Die Hard 4.0 and The Bourne Ultimatum - both very good action movies! Bourne Ultimatum is a bit more sophisticated than Die Hard, but they're both very good. If you like action movies even a little bit then go see them!


This is an F-35. It's a brand new jet fighter currently in production. Its design is based on the F-22, which is the most awesome jet fighter in existence. The F-35B is a variant of the F-35 that's capable of vertical take off and landing - making able to hover in the air like a helicopter. It's also smaller than the F-22, with only one engine.

It's also possible that directed-energy weapons will be installed on it. "Directed-energy weapons" is essentially a fancy term for laser guns.

This jet is seriously awesome. If I could have anything in the world I wanted for Christmas, it'd be an F-35B! (That and a short runway and an unlimited supply of jet fuel). Imagine going to uni in one of these! It'd take about three minutes. Then you could simply land on the roof and get out and go to class. Or if the roof couldn't support the weight of a 20 tonne aircraft (as well as the thrust from the landing) then you could park it in the old stadium at the bottom of the Grafton valley. Can't find a carpark? Easy. Make one.

If I had one of these I'd take a week off uni and spend all day every day obsessing over it. I'd be studying every square inch to see exactly how it works. Seriously - this is one of the best examples of engineering that you could find today. It's absolutely incredible. This and the F-22.


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