Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Check out these two camel spiders. Imagine having one of them crawling down your back!
In other news I missed my Mathematical Modelling test tonight. I thought it was tomorrow night!
That's about 7% of my final grade gone. It means I've got even more pressure to do well in the test because our final mark is either made up from 30% coursework and 70% exam, or just 100% exam. I'm pretty annoyed because I was actually looking foward to this test! I was pretty confident that I'd do well in it. Now I'll never know.
I honestly thought it was tomorrow night! I'd planned my week (as far as I plan my weeks - which is barely at all) based on the knowledge that it was on thursday night!
O well.
And now I've got shorter hair. My head is slightly colder than it used to be.


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