Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, August 27, 2007


Daily blogging is surprisingly hard until you get into the habit of it. Especially when you've got work all the time.

So I got home from work a little while ago. It's actually later than the time at the bottom of the post would have you believe. I finished early tonight which was great :) For once the End of Night cash up and banking and reporting went well! Well, not entirely - the safe didn't balance, but then the safe hates balancing. But the safe was no match for me. It balanced eventually.

So tomorrow I'm going to ... maybe clean down the desk in the garage and bring it into my room. Maybe sand it down first. Maybe. Or I might just do stuff all and then go to work.

Yeah that sounds more like it.

I start at ... 4.30. Until 12.30. Hopefully I'll be finished by midnight.

Total Lunar eclipse on tuesday night! It'd better not be cloudy! It's been cloudy for like all but three nights in the last month! It's really annoying!

My room's slightly tidier than it was this time last night.




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