Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Monday, September 03, 2007

I Should Be Still Studying

I told myself that I'd spend today doing catch up notes for my Thermal Engineering paper, and so I did, if you call 2 pages of notes in 3 hours "catch up".

Isentropic efficiencies .... mmmmm fun.

Even though I'm not a big fan of hip-hop, I quite like a lot of Timbaland's stuff. Which may seem somewhat odd, but he's the guy behind most of Justin Timberlake's beats (which are really good) and I like Justin Timberlake for his beats (and the fact that he can dance almost as well as Michael Jackson) so it makes sense that I'd like Timbaland's music.

Although me liking Timbaland isn't as random as my mum - she listens to the sort of music they play on Classic Hits and Viva, yet she really likes Akon!


I saw a good comic strip last night - I can't copy it here without violating the copyright, but it was just one frame, and there was a wall that was covered in graffiti in the background, with 2 cops leading off a guy in a hoodie who had obviously just been caught tagging, and one of the cops says to him "haven't you heard of blogging?"

It's so true. That's basically exactly what a blog is.

I'd put up a link to it but I can't remember where I saw it.



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