Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Shifts Got

How much does this suck? These are how my shifts are at work at the moment:

Sunday 26th 4pm - 12.30am
Monday 27th 4.30pm - 12.30am
Wednesday 29th 6.15pm - 12.45am
Thursday 30th 4.45pm - 12.00am
Friday 1st 4pm - 12.00am
Saturday 2nd 8am - 5pm (which is ok coz I asked for it coz i was going to be working Saturday night)
Sunday 3rd 4pm - 12am

This whole 4 till midnight thing EVERY day of the week is really annoying!

Having said that, I need the money.

And working during the week is cool coz its not busy (at least theoretically).


Now I'm off to work to see a movie.


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