Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, September 07, 2007

Post, No Post

For those of you who are thinking "blenderised happy meal", I'd like to clarify (or more like redefine) the challenge as I see it. The challenge is to have one post for every day of the week, every week. That post may not necessarily be posted by midnight of the night that it's due, but it must be posted, and it must be separate from the next day's post.

Having said that, only under exceptional circumstances can the post not be published by midnight, and I should explain the reason for the late post.

Tonight it's simply because I was out longer than I thought. I went to see The Invasion at 7.15 and assumed I'd be home by 10, leaving me plenty of time to do the post, but didn't get home until shortly after midnight.

Oh and The Invasion is a good movie! It's basically a zombie horror-thriller, but better. The best part is when Nicole Kidman throws an infected kid across the room and he hits the bed headfirst and falls unconscious on the floor. It was so unorthodox yet so appropriate for the situation that it was very, very funny!

Good movie. Go see it. Especially if you have free movie tickets.

Tomorrow night I need to post before work. Otherwise I definitely won't be home in time to post.



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