Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Exam Timetable

Mecheng 325: 26th October
Engsci 311: 30th October
French 103: 1st November
Mecheng 311: 2nd November
Mecheng 352: 7th November

Not bad. It's kind of hard to arrange a timetable with 5 exams so that they aren't all squashed together, but they seem to have done pretty well this time! I don't think I've ever had 5 exams in one semester before.....

I've got to find an engineering job as well. But I don't have time at the moment and won't for a while. Ideally I'd get a part time one that would let me keep working at Hoyts over the summer as well.

Right, back to the projects.


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