Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Uni Tmrw

I hate having to get up early for uni.

I've got 4 things due next week - one almost finished, one halfway through, one just started and stuck, and one yet to start.

As much as I really enjoy it when I'm at uni, I don't want to go back.

Too stressful at the moment - not just because I've got so much due in this week and next week (which brings back fond memories of Semester 2 last year), but also because I've got so much to catch up on before exams.

And when you're on holiday you can sleep in till 12 and say "I'll do it tomorrow"

But tomorrow is going to be like a bucket of cold water to the face I think.

And I'm yet to look foward to a bucket of cold water to the face.



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