Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bum Post

I was going to type a post about something tonight but I've left it too long and I need to go to bed now. I've got a test tomorrow at 10am which I don't want to be sleepy for. I've also got an assignment due on friday which I was going to do at uni tomorrow afternoon, but yesterday my boss decided to call a managers meeting for tomorrow afternoon. It's extremely annoying, because I don't have a good enough excuse (in my opinion) to get out of it - because I can simply do my assignment at home tomorrow night. I've got the software, I just won't have the help of my mates.

So anyway, that's pretty much tonights post.

Book 3 of Avatar comes out on Saturday!!

I am so looking foward to it.



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