Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, September 20, 2007


"I don't know what the secret of success is, but the secret of failure is to go around trying to please people."

So true.

I'm so excited! Less than 48 hours until the first episode of Avatar Book 3 comes out!!

It will air in America at 3.30pm Saturday afternoon our time, and should be hosted on the net only a few hours after that :D !!!!!

For those of you who love Avatar too, and have seen to the end of Book 2, here's the trailer for Book 3, although I'm sure you've seen it already. For those of you who haven't seen Avatar, it won't make much sense, but you can start watching them here. Be aware that the episode list is in reverse order, so you start at the bottom of the list. Each episode is in three parts (before the first ad break, between the ads, and after the second ad break) and you can either download them or stream them from the site.

The way I feel now is probably similar to the way Harry Potter fans feel 2 days before the next HP book comes out.



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