Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Computer Geek

Today I found an old game that I haven't played in years! Kingdom of Loathing. For those of you who don't know it, it's a text-based, turn-based parody of online role playing games. I used to be hooked on it. I think that love might be coming back again . . . fortunately, you can only play a certain number of turns each day. Check it out if you're not busy. It's a good game.

But then a mate, who was also bored and not busy, introduced me to Runescape. I'm not hooked on it, thankfully, but I have to say it's a lot of fun!

I feel like a small fish in a pretty big pond out there. We've got a system going where I'll learn to make the weapons and armour, and he'll find the food. And we'll both train. Then we'll go on a rampage.

But it would be cool if we could get people joining us. If anyone reading this knows both me and Liam and wants to come join us, feel free! There's plenty of room in our gang for more :P

But it got me thinking about alternate realities and stuff. Kind of like what I said before (to Dennis) (in the tagboard), I think its only a matter of time before role-playing games go to the next level. A level where you can actually enter the world with your own virtual body, sort of like in the Matrix. You could essentially pick a world and live in it, not worrying about the real world or any of the other virtual worlds. It would be like having a whole lot of parallel universes that you can visit, except only one of them would be real.

The creators of these worlds could put whatever "physical" laws they wanted into them. They could make it possible to fly, or to shoot fire from your fingers, or anything. Reality as most of us think of it now would be redefined. It's a pretty scary thought, yet also kind of fascinating.

And I also reckon that sort of thing is only a few decades away. . .


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