Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Stupid Router

So I discovered the source of my internet connection problems - it's our wireless router. Just what exactly is wrong with it I'm yet to find out, but more and more often it's limiting our connection to just a trickle. P2P programs can't connect, MSN occasionally runs into connection problems, and often it takes several attempts to get web pages to load. In Firefox it comes back with the message that the connection attempt to the website has timed out, and in IE it finds the site, then sits there indefinitely waiting for it to reply.

I REALLY want to know what's going on! It could be that the cable between the modem and the router is bust, or that the router itself is screwing up, or that its configuration settings have somehow changed.

Right now I'm plugged directly into the modem with a cable, and everything works fine, although I keep getting dropped from Limewire, but I think that's just Limewire being a dick.

And I keep getting dropped of the net, which is just xtra being a dick. Nothing unusual there.

I been a bit slack on the daily blogs recently. Generally if I don't post for a day it's because I've either forgotten or I'm really not in the mood. Chances are I was swearing at my internet connection all night.


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