Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Don't have much of a weekend this weekend. I'm starting work in less than two hours, and working through until 11 tonight, so that's today eaten up, and I start work at 4pm tomorrow, and I'm closing, which only gives me a few hours of sunday (once I get up). I've decided I really don't like close shifts, simply because your day ends at about 3pm. Although I know it's only fair that everyone gets their fair share of close shifts, and that it would be asking too much to always try and get out of them, I still don't like them.

Starting to get busy at uni now, which is annoying because exams are coming up. This coming week I have a French assignment due, two Manufacturing projects due, a Dynamics test, and a Thermo test.

In week 12, I have another Manufacturing project due, along with an MM3 assignment. I think that's all. I hope that's all!

Oh well, I'll just have to squeeze in as much study as I can. Fortunately, study for the tests also counts as study for the exam!

Nothing much else to say.



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