Blog Eight

Food or Blog Eight? I'll Have Blog Eight

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Tocsin

Tonight at work, after over three years of working at the movies, I finally experienced my first fire alarm. I've been wanting to be there for one for a long time now, so it was quite a momentous occasion for me!

It was a lot easier than it could have been actually - it went off in the mall first, which meant we had 7 minutes warning before it went off in the cinema. So we had 7 minutes to get ready. What's more, there were three other managers there at the time, so they were able to take some of the load off me, meaning I didn't have to run around like quite so much of a headless chicken making sure the staff were in their right places and every cinema was evacuated.

Unfortunately, the fun wore off later in the night - everything was delayed by half an hour, meaning all my banking and reporting was delayed by half an hour, meaning I would get out half an hour late. As it turned out, I got out an hour and 40 minutes late, for various reasons - I had all of day staff's banking to do as well (which was more than I thought), and one of the key reports (which can be surprisingly temperamental for a sheet of numbers) decided to play games and defy all logic and put random numbers where all I wanted to see was zeros.

So I've spent the last few hours getting more and more annoyed and frustrated, and generally pissed off at the world in general. Now I'm at home online, listening to euphoric music (aka trance), and talking about my night in order to unwind.

Saw Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium today. It's good. Dustin Hoffman is incredible.

Who knows what tomorrow holds. I guess I'll find out in a few hours. I need to get a rego for my car, and I've got work tomorrow night. That's about all I know.


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